PFS – Pour or Injection Foam Systems

The Aptane® PFS product portfolio includes a range of two component polyurethane pour or injection foam systems with densities and mechanical properties designed to suit the requirements of any application. The two main types of pour foams are low density pour systems and high density pour systems.

Aptane® PFS low density pour foam products have been used on pre-insulated pipeline sections, valve boxes, flanges and joints on pipeline systems in LNG and chemical plants. Aptane® PFS pour foams can be applied in-situ for valve boxes, joints and repair work.

Aptane® PFS high density pour foam products have been used in pipe supports where high compressive strengths, high durability as well as insulation performance are critical. These high density pour foams can be supplied to any specified density, typically the densities would be in the range of 160 – 500 kg/m³.

All of the Aptane® PFS series products are HCFC free. Aptane® PFS pour foams have met the stringent specification requirements expected by specifiers and engineers when designing chemical and gas processing plants for decades. Aptane® PFS pour foams can be designed to meet the individual requirements of each project. Typical properties of the Aptane® PFS product range are detailed in the table below.

Low Density High Density
Density 40 kg/m³ 160 kg/m³ 224 kg/m³ 320 kg/m³ ASTM D1622
Closed Cell Content >95.1% >95% >95% >95% ASTM D6226
Compressive Strength @ 23°C 200 kPa >2000 kPa >3000 kPa >6000 kPa ASTM D1621
Compressive Strength@ -165°C 280 kPa >4000 kPa >7000 kPa >9000 kPa ASTM D1621
Tensile Strength @ 23°C 320 kPa >1700 kPa >3000 kPa >4900 kPa ASTM D1623
Tensile Strength @ -165°C 265 kPa >1900 kPa >3400 kPa >5400 kPa ASTM D1623
Tensile Modulus <16 Mpa <55 Mpa <100 Mpa <160 Mpa ASTM D1623
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion @ -165°C to 23°C <70 x 10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ <70 x 10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ <70 x 10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ <70 x 10⁻⁶ K⁻¹ ASTM D696
Thermal Conductivity @ 20°C <0.023 W/m.K <0.038 W/m.K <0.040 W/m.K <0.050 W/m.K ASTM C177
Thermal Conductivity @ -165°C <0.016 W/m.K <0.028 W/m.K <0.030 W/m.K <0.038 W/m.K ASTM C177
Burning Characteristics < 30mm/30s < 30mm/30s < 30mm/30s < 30mm/30s ISO 3582 (BS 4735)
Leachable Chlorides < 60 ppm < 60 ppm < 60 ppm < 60 ppm ASTM C871
Water Absorption Max 5 volume % Max 5 volume % Max 5 volume % Max 5 volume % ASTM D2842
Water Vapour Transmission <0.8g / (m².h) <0.8g / (m².h) <0.8g / (m².h) <0.8g / (m².h) ASTM E96
CTSR Cryogenic Thermal Stress Resistance > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 CINI 2.7.01 and 2.7.02

Applied Polymers
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