
Applied Polymersand Era Polymers have the capability to conduct cryogenic thermal and physical property testing of rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foams as well as being able to test all properties required to calculate the Cryogenic Safety Factor or CTSR – Cryogenic Thermal Stress Resistance.

The company is certified to the ISO 9001 quality standard system, the physical testing laboratory is also NATA accredited and the many in-house product development laboratories are constantly expanding the horizons of polyurethane chemistry.

Together with Era Polymers, Applied Polymers now has the most advanced polyurethane laboratories in Australia and New Zealand, serviced by more than 20 industrial chemists.

With the philosophy of continuous quality improvement, Applied Polymers has a team dedicated and motivated to constant improvement of its products and services.


Applied Polymers
181-187 Ordish Rd, Dandenong South, VIC 3175
Locked Bag 1446. Dandenong South VIC 3164
Tel +61 3 9584 3966
Fax +61 3 9583 9979

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A division of

Era Polymers

“Excellence in Polyurethane Chemistry”